Class of
Country of origin: France, French Republic
Mobility: FR - IT - IT
Current postion/job tittle: PhD student, Paul Scherrer Institute
Mobility: FR - PT - PT
Current postion/job tittle: Junior Research FellowJunior Research Fellow, INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Portugal
Current postion/job tittle: R&D Management Trainee, Unilever - Shanghai-China
Current postion/job tittle: PHD Student, Université de Nantes, France
Mobility: FR - PL - FR
Current postion/job tittle: PhD Student, Paul Scherrer Institut PSI, Switzerland
Country of origin:
Mobility: FR - PL - IT
Current postion/job tittle: PhD Student at EPFL and PSI Villigen, Switzerland
Mobility: FR - PT - FR
Current postion/job tittle: PhD student, Université Paris-Saclay, France
Mobility: FR - IT - PT
Current postion/job tittle: Marie Skłodowska Curie cofund PhD, Warsaw University of Technolog, Poland
Current postion/job tittle: PhD student at Aalto University, Finland
Current postion/job tittle: PhD student, Sorbonne Université, France